
Disco queen, compersion crusader

Pleasure activism saved my life.

Before I’d read the book by the brilliant adrienne maree brown, before it was the biggest wave in self care, dedicating my life to pleasure introduced me to freedom. And I’ve been working ever since to spread that freedom to others.

People often ask me how I decided to work in the field of sex, and I always reply, “I didn’t, it was decided for me.”

When I was 14, I was raped. It was my first experience with penetrative sex and one that paved the way for me becoming verociously curious about sex, love and relationships in a way that most people never do. At that time, there was no google, no treasure trove of articles on the internet for me to find and understand what had happened to me. Naturally, as the social anthropologist that I am, I began my own research: asking anyone and everyone I could about sex and sexuality. By the time I left high school, I was the go-to person for my peers on the subject.

That curiosity and voraciousness around relationships, connection and love has never left me. In fact, it has fueled me.

As a rape survivor, it is my mission to help people feel safe, secure and liberated in all endeavors of connection, including sexually.

After high school, I left my small, Midwestern home town for New York City and entered the fashion industry where I thought everyone work sex on their sleeves. I graduated with a BA in Merchandising Management from FIT and after years of trying to bring sexual wellness products into stores like Macy’s and Bespoke Post to no avail, I realized everyone wanted to use sex to sell things but no one wanted to talk about it. And no one wanted to talk about it because we were massively suffering from a culture that is ashamed and repressed in sexuality.

So I decided to do something about it. I started gathering hundreds of stranges into rooms to watch porn and have taboo shattering, shame eradicating conversations that help people connect through sex instead of feel isolated by it.

During my time hosting and teaching at those events, I was approached to work 1×1 with people which eventually led to my certification as a sexologist. During that time, I created Love Lulu, a course on healing sexual trauma to experience pleasure, and authored a book titled “The Pleasure Prophecy: Healing Sexual Trauma to Live a Life of Pleasure.”

I’ve had the pleasure of working with dozens of clients, producing events with House of Yes in NYC, House of Togetherness in London and many more in cities like Miami, Oakland and LA. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Men’s Health Magazine, Bustle, and several more, all working towards providing more sex-positive information to their audiences.

The eclecticism of this journey has led me to where I am now, founding a hospitality group that centers connection experiences.